Friday, November 10, 2023


 Birdhouses I'm dreaming of installing on poles in the meadow

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Everett Family Farm

Pretty easy to find. They have signs on Soquel Road

This is self service on the old fashioned hoor system.

All organic.

You park right next to the forty acres of trees. fruits, flowers.

Heavenly tasting organic strawberries today.

Low prices  Large variety available during daylight hours

 2111 Soquel San Jose Rd. Soquel, CA .

Santa Cruz and the county have many amazing flower growers. They sell their bouquets often out front of the house or farm. Can be seen at farmers markets and a few of the AMAZiNG bakeries around this beautiful coastal community. 

I was searching for dahlia farmers which is a new trend. I'm thinking my climate in coastal southern California might work for me. 

I was a rose grower in the Central Valley outside of Wasco until a tragic turn of events had me sell all my patents to Jackson and Perkins. I really don't want to move back to the heat of the valley to start again. Toying with what I will do to be contributing and creating in my "retirement."

Caroline Gerardo copyright 2023

Monday, May 22, 2023

California Tree Poppy white with yellow center Romneya coulteri Matilija...

Clary Sage salvia scalrea

Large four foot tall sage will rebloom if you deadhead the flowers
Medicinal uses
Bees love it